Put Pokies on Trial

Put Pokies on Trial

Poker machines fleece ordinary Australians for $11 billion every year. Like loaded dice, these machines are rigged with a raft of tricks to make them as addictive as possible.

Crown Casino and Aristocrat poker machines are now facing court for breaking the law with poker machines designed to deceive and addict. Aristocrat poker machines are widespread, but state governments don’t publish which pubs and clubs are profiting from these con machines.

Communities have a right to know the truth about where these pokies lurk and how much money they’re fleecing from ordinary Australians.

With pokies on trial, state ...

Poker machines fleece ordinary Australians for $11 billion every year. Like loaded dice, these machines are rigged with a raft of tricks to make them as addictive as possible.

Crown Casino and Aristocrat poker machines are now facing court for breaking the law with poker machines designed to deceive and addict. Aristocrat poker machines are widespread, but state governments don’t publish which pubs and clubs are profiting from these con machines.

Communities have a right to know the truth about where these pokies lurk and how much money they’re fleecing from ordinary Australians.

With pokies on trial, state governments must act. Full disclosure of the damage these machines are doing is the first step to pulling the plug on the con machine scam in our pubs, clubs and casinos.


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