Enough Pokies

Enough Pokies

Pubs and clubs should be places where we can socialise safely, maybe hear a band or see a show, hire a room for a community meeting.

They should not be mini-casinos.

76% of the world's non-casino poker machines are in Australia. About half are in NSW. None are in WA.

This extraordinary distribution of electronic gaming machines into ordinary suburban life creates a great deal of harm. 

Our campaigns are aiming to prevent or reduce gambling harm by addressing the regulation of the industry, design features of machines, awareness within the community, and undoing the vested interests of the gambling industry.

Pubs and clubs should be places where we can socialise safely, maybe hear a band or see a show, hire a room for a community meeting.

They should not be mini-casinos.

76% of the world's non-casino poker machines are in Australia. About half are in NSW. None are in WA.

This extraordinary distribution of electronic gaming machines into ordinary suburban life creates a great deal of harm. 

Our campaigns are aiming to prevent or reduce gambling harm by addressing the regulation of the industry, design features of machines, awareness within the community, and undoing the vested interests of the gambling industry.

I Support Pokie-Harm Prevention Policy for the West!

Dear My representatives,

I support the campaign to reduce harm from poker machines.

I call on my representatives to commit to:

- $1 maximum bet on all poker machines
- Reduced operating hours at gaming venues
- A sinking cap on the number of poker machines in the region

Councils in Melbourne West are losing $1.34 million to pokies EVERY DAY!
Poker machines are rigged. They are a con – designed to addict and for the player
to lose.

Pokie addiction is linked to high levels of mortgage stress, family violence, crime
and family breakdown. It affects the whole community.